Our organization believes in striking at the root. We don’t merely rescue animals or hand out food parcels, instead we identify the root, to address it. This results in long term change. We work with people and animals and our main drive and passion is our love for Yeshua’s people as well as His creation and fulfilling our calling on earth. We strive to touch and change as many lives possible by the work we do as an organization.
Matthew 25
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, “I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
New Beginnings is a non-profit organization (120-496NPO) which has been registered in 2013.
New Beginnings Projects
Kennel and fieldwork project:
Our team does proactive fieldwork every week, handing out dog kennels in less privileged areas. When working in these areas, we alleviate suffering in any way we can. We do this by handing out blankets, bowls, pet food, replacing wires, chains & ropes with leather collars, and providing basic medical care to the animals. We also save many animals from slow and painful deaths through the means of euthanasia. Many of these animals are beyond rescue and they have no help or hope other than the grace euthanasia supplies.
We also set up running wires in these areas for the chained dogs to move around more freely and we educate and encourage as far as we go. We believe that education brings real change, instead of only handing out necessities or removing animals. There are way too many animals to be removed and they will always be replaced. Therefore, we believe in improving the living circumstances, sterilizing the animal to stop the cycle, and educating the owner in order to bring long term change and empowerment.
We treat not only the animals with utmost respect and love, but we believe that at the end of every leash, is a human being. We therefore treat everyone with respect – whether they deserve it or not. We believe that you can only change the world through love, deeper understanding and ‘digging’ to get to the root of any problem.

Spay & Neuter projects:
New Beginnings often joins hands with the vets in doing spay campaigns where between 80 and 150 animals get spayed or neutered in one day to prevent unwanted litters. We also sterilize dogs and cats every month and return them safely to their owners if they are responsible pet owners and the animals are well taken care of.
To help the public in the urban areas, we often arrange Spayathons with the vets in town. They then charge the public welfare rates to get their pets sterilized.
We know that one female dog and her offspring can produce up to 67 000 dogs in just six years and that most of these dogs end up as unwanted pets. This is why we always say that breeding takes away a home from a shelter pet that has been waiting with the hope of finding a home. When you buy a dog from a breeder or when your dog has puppies, you take away the chance of a shelter pet of being adopted, and when those dogs or their offspring end up in shelters, the chance of other shelter pets getting adopted gets even slimmer. Thousands of pets must be euthanized because of that reason alone. Hundreds of healthy animals are euthanised WEEKLY only in Bloemfontein. In essence, breeding does not only contribute to the overpopulation problem, but it also kills shelter pets. We want all ‘second hand’ pets to have a chance at finding a family and it can only happen if pet owners do the responsible thing and sterilize their pets.
This is the reason why New Beginnings does everything in our power to sterilize as many pets as possible! Prevention is better than cure.

Annual outreaches
We host 3-4 large outreaches per year. These outreaches are well planned and will be set up in extreme poor areas in our community.
Our team assists the public with the following during these outreaches:
- Vet care for the animals
- Food and bowls
- Collars (to replace rope, wire and chain)
- Tick and flea treatment
- Blankets or other necessities
- Education
- Food / sweets for the owners
People outreaches & Community upliftment projects:
We also provide a steppingstone to less privileged families and families who lost their jobs or income by helping to fulfil their basic daily needs. We provide them with food, school supplies and toiletries, blankets and beanies or clothes.
We also help to arrange, host or fund evangelism outreaches to spread the Gospel and bring hope to the hopeless. We believe that the Gospel influences every area of a person’s life! Not only are souls saved, but the ripple effect of a saved soul will even have an influence on child and animal abuse in the areas we work in! Somebody who came to know Yeshua, have received His Spirit, and are discipled, will walk a holy life and it will break many chains and patterns and create long term change!
In collaboration with GO we, do back pack evangelism, tent gospel services, outreaches and we make sure to serve the people and be the Hands and Feet of Yeshua in this broken world.

Education Programs at schools / businesses:
New Beginnings has our very own mascot – Roo. Roo and our team reach out to schools and businesses to teach and educate them about animal welfare, pet care and how to assist in bringing long term change in our communities.
We also invite schools / orphanages to visit our Rescue Centre and become involved in the community and charity work we do. New Beginnings also runs other educational programs in rural and poverty-stricken areas to uplift and empower the community in other ways than just pet ownership. We believe that our future leaders must be educated from a young age to plant the right seeds which can grow into beautiful trees!
Roo and our ministry team also visit hospitals and homes to make a difference, spread the love of Yeshua and minister to the people. We believe that animals are therapy to a soul and combined with prayer and love, we can bring change to our community!

Bursary & Internship Projects:
The New Beginnings Bursary Project is a vital initiative within our organization, dedicated to providing financial support to children from disadvantaged backgrounds and circumstances. Our mission is to ensure that every child, regardless of their socio-economic status, has the opportunity to receive a quality education. Through this project, we aim to nurture future leaders and empower them to break the cycle of poverty.
Most of our bursary children are sponsored by people from overseas ad we do not use our rescue funds for bursary programs)
At New Beginnings Charity, we are committed to fostering growth and development within our community. Our Internship Program is a cornerstone of this commitment, designed to provide individuals with valuable, hands-on experience across various aspects of our organization. This initiative aims to equip participants with practical skills, training and insights essential for their future careers while supporting our mission of community enhancement.

Together with these projects we run a beautiful Rescue Centre where we can house 70 animals. These animals are all rescued from horrendous circumstances. Our team then rehabilitates them, and they are placed up for adoption through very strict systems and home checks. We ensure that each animal that are rescued by New Beginnings are sterilized, vaccinated, de-wormed, de-flead and collar and tagged to be placed in a suitable and loving home.
New Beginnings is audited by MFI auditors as well as the Social Development and we have the stamp of approval from the CAF. We have an open book policy where the public is more than welcome to first visit us, ask questions and decide if they want to trust us with their donations and funds. We also believe in giving feedback on our Social media platforms for sponsors to see what they are contributing to!

New Beginnings Rescue Centre:
We have a beautiful Rescue Centre that is a safe haven for abused and neglected animals. At our Rescue Centre we focus mainly on rescue and rehabilitation of broken animals. The need amongst these animals is so high and so many animals die daily because of abuse, neglect, and starvation. We therefore have decided to put our focus on rescuing abused and neglected animals instead of rehoming happy, healthy animals.
We provide new beginnings to animals who stood no chance.
We use all our finances, resources, space at the shelter and time on animals who would have died if we didn’t come to their rescue. We take in the misunderstood animals, the old animals who only knew of suffering, the less attractive animals, the mix breeds, the less adoptable ones. We take on the difficult cases and walk the extra mile to give them a new beginning.
New Beginnings has a rehabilitation team who works with our rescued animals to ensure they heal, trust, and recover from their past before placing them up for adoption. We have a strict adoption process to ensure they end up in the best possible homes.
Follow this link to view the dogs and cats up for adoption at our shelter or apply to adopt a rescue animal: https://newbeginningscharity.co.za/animals-for-adoption/
Our full-time staff team works tirelessly to provide all our rescued animals with the best care, food, hygienic facilities, exercise, attention, and rehabilitation daily.
Future Plans:
We have many plans. We will be creating more new beginnings and taking on new projects like one day having our own mobile clinic to work in rural areas and assist people with vet care for their pets.
New Beginnings current activities involves:
- Rescue and rehabilitation for abused and neglected animals (dogs, cats & horses) (at our Rescue Centre)
- Daily assistance in emergencies where animals are neglected and/or abused
- Medical assistance for animals in lower income households and rural areas
- Sterilization programs to assist in population control
- Kennel project to provide shelter to animals in rural areas with no cover from elements
- Education programs at schools, companies, and social media
- Food project to provide food to starving animals & people
- Outreaches in less privileged areas
- Evangelism outreaches / handing out of Bibles / ministry teams
- Assisting less privileged families with basic items
- Empowerment and community upliftment projects for long term change
- Horse Therapy
- Petting Zoo with rescued animals
- Fundraising projects to raise funds for above mentioned activities (Kids party venue, Auctions, Debit order system etc)